The Grand Lodge of New Jersey became the third Grand Lodge of Order Knights of Pythias on March 16, 1868. The NJ Grand Lodge was founded in Camden, NJ by Samuel L. Read who also became the first Supreme Chancellor of our Order.
Since the formation of the Grand Lodge of New Jersey, local lodges across the state have supported their communities, raised funds to support local and national charities, and volunteered their efforts to assist in times of need. Through the NJ Knights of Pythias Charities Foundation,Inc., a 501C3 corp., lodges raise and donate funds to the American Cancer society, Alzheimer’s Research, local Food banks, Cystic Fibrosis Research, Diabetes Research Foundation, Deborah Hospital, local EMT units, veterans organizations, Autism Speaks and Make A Wish Foundation, to name a few.
NJ lodges, since the Pandemic, have focused increased efforts to support local Food Banks and the the Center for Food Action. Every Fall season we gather and distribute slightly used winter coats to people in need through Jersey Cares. Local lodges also provide benevolent benefits to members as well as holding social gatherings — picnics, dinners and other events for families and guests.
Current activities include in person meetings and events. We welcome all adults at least 18 years of age to join us in Friendship, Charity and Benevolence. For more information about membership: Call David Bellask: (732) 561-2174.
Like us on Facebook: New Jersey Knights of Pythias
Grand Council, Domain of New Jersey, 2024 – 2025
Grand Chancellor – Robert Schlegel, PGC
Grand Vice Chancellor – Rafael Breitowich, PSR
Grand Prelate – Matthew Silverman, SR Grand Secretary – Sir David N Bellask, PDSC, PSR
Grand Treasurer – Henry B. Kazin, SR
Grand Master at Arms – Sir Norman Goldenbaum, PGC
Grand Inner Guard – Sir Joseph Spindel, PSR
Grand Outer Guard – Robert Starr, PDGC
Grand Tribunal:
Chief Grand Tribune – Robert C. Blum, PC
Associate Grand Tribunes – Sir Saul Rochman, PSR
Sir Jerry Weiner, PCDGC
Recorder – Marc Stein, PDGC
Past Supreme Chancellor:
Sir Joel D. Fierstien, PSC
Supreme Representatives:
Henry Kazin, PGC, DSC, 2021-2025
Matthew Silverman, PGC, 2023 – 2027
Deputy Supreme Chancellor:
Henry Kazin, SR, 2024-2026
Grand Lodge Trustees:
Matthew Silverman, SR Rafael Breitowich, PSR Sir David Bellask, PSR